June 29, 2011

Ghosts on Ray Street

Ghosts on Ray Street; click for previous post
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Where: Ray at Night art walk, North Park, San Diego

When: December 2010

A change in commenting: Because of some recent comment spam, I've gone back to Blogger's commenting system. (The final straw was a rant about everything from the mark of the beast right down to hair loss.) I'd been using Haloscan but never paid up when they started wanting money a while back, so while people could still comment on the blog, I was unable to delete the spam.

As a result of the change, the comments people made while I was using Haloscan are no longer visible. I'm sorry about that, and I value everybody's contributions, but switching back to Blogger comments seemed like the best solution.

Please let me know if you see any problems. Thanks.

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Images and text ©2005-2012 Mark A. Dodge Medlin

6/29/2011 03:42:00 PM | 0 comments

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