January 27, 2009

Dani pets a rhino

Dani pets a rhino; click for previous post
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Where: The San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park, near Escondido, California

When: Jan. 24, 2009

Adorable, no? OK, maybe you don't think so now. But go on a photo safari at the Wild Animal Park (not cheap, but worth every penny), see that homely, horned face looking up at you, begging for a slice of apple, and then we'll talk.

Particulars: This is an Indian one-horned rhino that had her year-old calf close at hand. We met them on the Asian photo safari. On the African safari, you get to feed giraffes, but you're not allowed to pet them.

Disclosure: Dani is a public relations rep for the zoo. But this would have been just as much fun if she was still a newspaper editor.

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Images and text ©2005-2012 Mark A. Dodge Medlin

1/27/2009 12:25:00 PM | 0 comments

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